United Nations Building Tour Information
From United Nation's website:
A limited number of tickets are available each day to the public. Tickets may be sold out early in the day, and delays may occur on busy days.
The United Nations Headquarters in New York is located on First Avenue between 42nd Street and 48th Street.
The Visitors' Entrance is located on First Avenue at 46th Street. As the United Nations does not offer parking facilities, it is suggested that public transportation be used.
Subway: number 4,5,6 or 7 trains to Grand Central Station; walk on 42nd Street to First Avenue.
Buses: M15, M27, M42, or M104.
Prices for 2008 | |
Adults | $13.50 |
Senior Citizens | $9.00 |
Students | $9.00 |
Children | $7.50 |
Age Limit
For safety reasons, children under age 5 are not admitted on tour.
What You May See During the Tour
The guided tour of the United Nations starts with a brief overview of the Organization and its structure. The main part of the tour consists of a visit to the chambers of the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly Hall.
During the visit, you might briefly observe a meeting. An average of 5,000 official meetings are held at the United Nations Headquarters annually. Please note that some council chambers might be closed to the public. The guide explains the functions, composition and current actions undertaken by each council, as well as the activities of the United Nations system.
Visitors also see exhibits on such topics as peacekeeping operations, decolonization and disarmament. An art collection, presented by Member States, is also part of the visit.
"It's called- "Bar Stool Economics"
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve."Since you are all such good customers", he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20". Drinks for the ten now cost just $80. The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his "fair share?"They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings."I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "but he got $10!""Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!""That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!""Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
Rihanna's concert photos
If I am not too lazy to carry my camera around, I might share few more concerts with you, so please stay tuned.
Met Summer Concert: Live in Prospect Park

MetroCard Distribution
Missed You - Ozledim Seni
leaving scratching my heart for so long
missing you is drugging my brain
even though we don't get together often
knowing that you are with me
is warming inside of me for long
I understand newly.
your absence,
get out of being a stucked pain into my heart
(appeared) as a continually emptiness
beginning to the mornings with caressing you
in the evenings putting everything aside
but talking with you, i miss them...
our playings
our walks
your sweet naughtiness
your childish offending...
how you were strong to others
while defending me
and how you were tender
with a couple of slitted eyes
when you leave yourself to my caresses
Even though i never want you to go
to see that you have to do that
and without saying you those
to say 'go now'
'as soon as you forget me, that soon
you will meet the happiness'
haw hard to say to you...
not to be able to see you and maybe after years
when we met
to want you to look at me as a stranger...
and to deal with my heart that i forbid another love...
özledim seni...
ayrılık yüreğimi karıncalandırıyor nicedir.
beynimi uyuşturuyor özlemin...
çok sık birlikte olmasak bile
benimle olduğunu bilmenin
bunca zamandır içimi ısıttığını
yeni yeni anlıyorum
Hatırladıkça yüreğime saplanan bir sizi olmaktan çıkıp
mütemadiyen bir boşluğa
Sabahları seni okşayarak başlamaları
aksamları her isi bir kenara koyup
seninle baş başa konuşmaları özlüyorum;
sevimli haşarılığını,
çocuksu küskünlüğünü...
Nasılda serttin başkalarına karşı
beni savunurken;
ve ne kadar yumuşak
bir çift kısık gözle kendini
ellerimin okşayışına bırakırken
Gitmeni asla istemediğim halde
buna mecbur olduğunu görmek
ve sana bunları söylemeden
''git artık'' demek
''beni ne kadar çabuk unutursan, o kadar çabuk
kavuşacaksın mutluluğa''
demek sana nede zor
seni görmemek ve belki yıllar sonra
bana bir yabancı gibi bakmanı istemek senden...
yeni bir sevdayı yasakladığım kalbime söz geçirmek....
Can Yucel
Translated by SuiGeneris

On Saturday, June 21 at 5 pm, a joyous Hootenanny, a free folk-concert in conjunction with Make Music New York, will open the Washington Square Music Festival’s 50th anniversary season in the park. Three exuberant groups, chosen from the MMNY interactive Web site, will sing Dylan tunes, Irish folk songs and music from the North Mississippi Hill Country, as well as some original material.
Concerts take place in the southeast quadrant of Washington Square, near the statue of Garibaldi. Seating is first-come, first-served. Rainspace is Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South. Public information number is: 212-252-3621, http://www.washingtonsquaremusicfestival.org/.
The line-up is: Michael Packer Blues Band -- Michael Packer, guitar and vocals, performed in the 60s & 70s at such famous Greenwich Village venues as Gerdes Folk City, The Gaslight and The Bitter End. He returns to the Square with great pleasure, bringing with him Ed Jackson, bongos; Riley Fitzsimmons, bass and guitar; and Dave “Snakeman” Runyan, harmonica. Ed, Riley, and Dave also will vocalize in such songs as “All Along The Watchtower “and Packer's “Bleecker Street.”
Three Pints Shy is a raucous pub band, updating and reinvigorating the Celtic music that has become one of the roots of American folk songs. On guitars,
pennywhistle, and dodhran (Irish drum) the five singer/actors will perform works ranging from the early 19th century sea shanty, “Dublin O’Shea” to “I’m a Free Born Man of the Traveling People” made popular by the Clancy Brothers.
Pork Chop Willie performs traditional material from North Mississippi Hill Country. The music comes from the rhythmic fife and drum style dating back to the Revolution. Some call it trance blues. Often only one chord is used, and Junior Kimbrough, one of the granddaddies of this genre, once said that “If I find another chord, I save it for another song”. Performing in the Square will be Bill Hammer, guitar & vocals, fiddler Melissa Tong, and two Mississippi musicians who are making the trip north just for this concert: Eric Deaton on bass and Junior Kimbrough’s son, Kinney Kimbrough, on drums.
The Washington Square Music Festival was founded in 1953 by violinist Alexander Schneider and the Washington Square Association. It is the second oldest free outdoor summer classical music series in New York. The diverse and adventurous programs feature examples from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, contemporary works for chamber orchestra, classic jazz, folk and salsa. Lutz Rath is Music Director; Peggy Friedman is Executive Director; Jean Lyman Goetz is Festival Manager; and Suzette Jacobs is Associate Music Director.
Season Schedule, Tuesdays 8 pm Rainspace: New York University’s
Frederick Loewe Theatre, 35 West 4th Street
July 8: Festival Ensemble, Gerald Ranck, harpsichord soloist performing Vivaldi, Tigran Mansurian, Zelenka, de Falla, Bach
July 15: Festival Ensemble, Lutz Rath, cello soloist, Stephanie Houtzeel, mezzo-soprano performing Massenet, Wagenseil and other composers.
July 22: Festival Ensemble, David Oei, piano soloist, performing Dohnányi, Satie, Lou Harrison: Double Concerto for violin, cello and gamelan orchestra with Gamelan Son of Lion
July 29: Charles Mingus Orchestra performing Music by the Master
Original jazz compositions by the late, great, Charles Mingus
The Washington Square Music Festival is made possible with major funding from the The Earle K. & Katherine Moore Foundation, and with public funds from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation through the good offices of Senator Thomas K. Duane and Assemblymember Deborah J. Glick; and The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and City Councilmember Alan J. Gerson; the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. US Recording Companies fund in part the instrumental music for the series, as arranged by Local 802, American Federation of Musicians. Generous grants from the Washington Square Park Council, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The Washington Square Association, New York University Community Fund, Margaret Neubart Foundation Trust, Carmine Street Block Association, Con Edison, BAMRA, and the Washington Square Hotel, are deeply appreciated.
New York Philharmonic: Concerts in the Parks
Concerts in the Parks - Brooklyn
Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer
Bach:Concerto for Two Violins in D minor
Beethoven:Symphony No. 4
New York Philharmonic: Concerts in the Parks

Concerts in the Parks - Queens
Presented by Didi and Oscar Schafer
Mozart:Divertimento in D major, K.125a
Bach:Concerto for Two Violins in D minor
Elgar:Enigma Variations