
The School - Okul .... by Asik Veysel

I saw the wealthiest mind in the world

Asked it the outlay, the school it replied.

It is serving the humanity, the help you provide

My mercy, my feelings, the school it replied.

Creating fire from water, that is the best art

The idea to spread many more light

Did I discover them with this thought?

These are my guides, the school it replied.

Is that a miracle or a talent?

Would the heart perceive that if the eyes do not?

Would an unclaimed soil be plowed?

With the combine, the school it replied.

You would fly in the sky, if you wear wings

You would pass through the seas ungratefully

How would you perceive the cold and the rain?

They have built observatories, the school it replied.

Various vehicles and the trains

Doctors who find cures for all pains

Is it you who did that

This is not all it can do, the school it replied.

I was amazed by the radio

Can speak in every language, but not alive

Created by science, by the human mind

Its light is its wave, the school it replied.

Human mind is inventing these things

It is the science, the essence of the world

The core of all those works

Believe in this Veysel, the school it replied.

Dünyanın en zengin aklını gördüm
Sermayesin sordum dedi ki okul.
İnsanlara hizmet yaptığın yardım,
Merhametin duygum dedi ki okul.
Sudan ateş yapan en güzel sanat
Dünyayı ışığa kaplarsın kat kat
Fikriyle mi ettin bunları icat
Rehberim oldu dedi ki okul.
Bu bir keramet mi yoksa hüner mi
Göz görmezse gönül buna kanar mı
Öksüz tarlada sapan döner mi
Eker biçer motor dedi ki okul.
Kanat takar gökyüzünde uçarsın
Denizleri müdanasız geçersin
Soğuğu yağmuru nasıl seçersin
Rasathane kurmuş dedi ki okul.
Çeşitli taşıtlar bir de trenler
Hekim olup her yareyi saranlar
Bunu sen mi yaptın yoksa erenler
Daha neler yapar dedi ki okul.
Radyo hayrete düşürdü beni
Her dilden biliyor yok amma cam,
İlim akıl fikir yaratmış bunu
Lambası dalgası dedi ki okul.
İnsanlar kafası bunları bulan,
İlimdir dünyada hakikat olan
Bütün bu işlerin temelim kuran
İnan buna Veysel dedi ki okul” diyor.

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