Istanbul Universitesi Mezun Amerika ile Forum Gazetesinin ortaklasa yapacagi "The Yogurt Man Cometh" adli kitabin tanitimi ve yazar ile soylesi 13 Haziran Cuma aksami saat 7de, Times Square'de bulunan Dervis Restorantin toplanti salonunda yapilacak.
Kevin Revelonski tarafindan yazilan kitap, yazarin ogretmen olarak,Turkiyede gecirdigi maceralari ve suprizleri anlatiyor.Kevin Revolinskinin yazi ve resimleri ayrica Chicao Tribune,Syndey Morning Herald ve Wisconsin Devlet Gunlugunde yer aldi.
Sponsor ise Washington merkezli Turk Kultur Vakfi. Link: TCF
Programda ayrica hafif yemek ve icecek olacak.
Link : Forum Gazetesi
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Dervish Restaurant
146 W 47th St
Manhattan, NY 10036
June 13th,2008 7.00-9.30 pm
**** Revolinski's observations will resonate with those of any outsider who has come to love Turkey and Turkish culture. Experience a year living in Turkey!Part travelogue, part memoir, The Yogurt Man Cometh is the story of Revolinski's year-long adventure as an English teacher in Turkey, with all of its ups and downs and its constant surprises. From his home base working for a private school in Ankara, he relates in remarkably candid style his encounters in a foreign culture: his first experiences as a teacher, forays into classroom discipline, navigation of a new language, attempts at cross-cultural flirtation, explorations of timeless and surreal landscapes, acquisition of a taste for raki and success at making numerous lasting friendships--all told with an open mind and a sense of humor. An enjoyable read for anyone who has spent time in Turkey or who plans to do so; Revolinski's observations will resonate with those of any outsider who has come to love Turkey and Turkish culture."The Yogurt Man Cometh is as entertaining as it is informative - as well as being especially recommended reading for anyone considering embarking upon their own business or recreational trip to Turkey."
146 W 47th St
Manhattan, NY 10036
June 13th,2008 7.00-9.30 pm
**** Revolinski's observations will resonate with those of any outsider who has come to love Turkey and Turkish culture. Experience a year living in Turkey!Part travelogue, part memoir, The Yogurt Man Cometh is the story of Revolinski's year-long adventure as an English teacher in Turkey, with all of its ups and downs and its constant surprises. From his home base working for a private school in Ankara, he relates in remarkably candid style his encounters in a foreign culture: his first experiences as a teacher, forays into classroom discipline, navigation of a new language, attempts at cross-cultural flirtation, explorations of timeless and surreal landscapes, acquisition of a taste for raki and success at making numerous lasting friendships--all told with an open mind and a sense of humor. An enjoyable read for anyone who has spent time in Turkey or who plans to do so; Revolinski's observations will resonate with those of any outsider who has come to love Turkey and Turkish culture."The Yogurt Man Cometh is as entertaining as it is informative - as well as being especially recommended reading for anyone considering embarking upon their own business or recreational trip to Turkey."
Istanbul University Alumni Association of USA
123 Wellington Drive
Farmington, Connecticut 06032
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