They have melted my soul and frozen it in a mould;
They have named it Istanbul, and put it on earth.
There’s something smoking inside me; air, colour, grace, and climate;
That’s my beloved who came from beyond time and place.
Its flowers are golden stars, its water is sweet;
The moon and the sun have always been Istanbullian.
The sea and the earth have reached their union in her
And the dreams have turned to reality in her.
Istanbul is my life;
my motherland…
History has eyes, the riddles on ancient walls;
Cypresses, cypresses are of fine stature, they’re the curtains
Of two worlds…
A steed rears up on the clouds;
Diamond domes, perhaps there are billions of steeds…
The minarets are index fingers pointing to the sky.
In every embroidery a meaning: we must die.
Death is more alive than life mercy is greater than sin;
When Beyoğlu is drowing in worldly pleasures,
Karcaahmet weeps…
Seek the meaning, find it!
Find it in Istanbul!
The Bosphorus, the silver brazier of the Bosphorus, boils the coolness;
The depths of heaven on earth are in Çamlıca.
Playful waters are the guests in the basement of the sea-side house;
A photo of the sad face of a former diplomat hangs on the wall.
Every evening flames on the windows in Üsküdar,
A haunded house, big as the city…
A song from the Ud or the Tanbour?
It sings “Katibim” behind the bay-windows…
Its women are like sharp knives,
Warm like fresh blood,
Time on the seven hills embroiders
Seven colours, seven voices, endless manifestation…!
Eyüp is an orphan, Kadiköy is dressed up, Moda is haughty,
Wind in the Island plays tricks with the girls.
Each dawn, the arrows fly from their bows.
Cries come from Topkapi Palace still.
The mothers are the best of sweethearts, Istanbul is the best of places;
Never mind the cheerful crowd, those who cry are happier.
It night smells hyacinth,
Its Turkish the nightingale’s voice.
Grand Rue de Pera photos - Istiklal Caddesi,Beyoglu fotograflari

Your soft coolness is in my hand,
the time is in bluish memories.
Your wind is all over blue
and blows through my evenings.
In open sea the sail is homesick,
foaming sea-gulls are one my horizon
My looks desire salt
and greet bright seasons.
I wish I was in a sea city,
I wish my feet to touch sea-weed,
I wish my song to be sung
by rough waters.
I wish the fishes to swim by my shores,
tiny and handsome fishes.
I wish they’d wave good-bye,
My dear Istanbul.
Rüzgar Gülü

Önümden çekilirsen İstanbul görünecek
Nerede olduğumu bileceğim
Sisler utanacak eğilecek
Ağzının ucundan öpeceğim
Saçına kalbimi takacağım
Avcunda bir şiir büyüyecek
Nerede olduğumu bileceğim
Bu çıplak geceler yok mu
Bu plak böyle ağlamıyor mu
Camları kırmak işten değil
Delirecek miyim neyim
Kirpiklerimden mısra dökülüyor
Kenya'da simsiyah yalnızım
Yoksul bir şilepte gemiciyim
Malezya'da yük bekliyorum
Önümden çekilirsen İstanbul görünecek
Nerede olduğumu bileceğim
Gözlerini söndürme muhtacım
Ben senin aydınlığına muhtacım
Yepyeni bir ilkbahar harcayıp
Bir yaz boğup bir sonbahar harcayıp
Rüzgar gülünü arayacağım Oran'da Pernanbouc'ta Tombuktu'da
Vinçler yine akşamları indirecekler
Yine karanlığa bulaşacağım
Gözlerin rüzgarda savrulacak
İkimiz iki sap buğday olsak
Sen benim olsan, ben senin olsam
Bir gece vakti aklına gelsem
Uykunu tutsam bırakmasam
Seni kucaklasam, kucaklasam
Birbirimizin kalbini dinlesek
Dünyanın kalbini dinlesek
Büyük ateşler yaksalar
İki güvercin uçursalar
Nerede olduğumuzu bilsek
Attila İlhan
From Rumi..

Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow
a thousand times.
Come, yet again, come, come.
Mevlana Jalal-e-Din Mevlavi Rumi
Gel ne olursan ol, gel
İster tanrı tanımaz,
ister ateşe tapar,
İster bin kez tövbeni bozmuş ol
Bizim dergahımız umutsuzluk dergahı değil,
Gel ne olursan ol, gel
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

The Blue Mosque's photos - Sultanahmet Cami'sinin fotograflari

CAHİT IRGAT –1916-1971
Don’t ask what’s in Istanbul,
What’s in Istanbul?
There’s Istanbul in Istanbul.

I looked at you from another hill dear Istanbul!
I know you like back of my hand, and love you dearly.
Come, come and sit on my heart's throne as long as I live
Just to love a distict of yours is worth a whole life.
There are many flourishing cities in the world.
But you're the only one who creates enchanting beauty.
I say, he who has lived happily, in the longest dream,
Is He who spent his life in you died in you, and was buried in you.

The Blue Mosque's photos - Sultanahmet Cami'sinin fotograflari

Perhaps the water of the Bosphorus has changed;
I’ve found you on this Istanbul morning.
I don’t know how to say it-
When I come to Istanbul, I become Istanbul.
Your hands are in Bebek, your face is in Küçüksu,
You’re wearing a sea-blue blouse;
Like a poplar tree long and slender,
I’ve found you on this Istanbul morning.
A good-morning fell on the windows
Near the houses streets will awaken soon.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are in one line.
I’ve found you on this Istanbul morning.
Clouds take me to Eyüp,
Perhaps they know something.
Beyoglu is my wine, my bread is Üsküdar,
When I came to Istanbul, I became Istanbul
I’m wet, I've come from far away,
My business is to love, not to write poetry;
Please don’t disturb my dreams,
I’ve found you on this Istanbul morning
When I came to Istanbul, I became Istanbul.

The Hagia Sophia's photos - Ayasofya fotograflari

Mimar Sinan seized the loveliest parts of Constantinople
And kissed her over and created Istanbul.
Perhaps in Shehzadebashi or Suleymaniye
One kiss become a poplar tree in the wind,
One, alchemy against the ages,
One, music’s blossoming rose,
One, a sound in the sea
In Üsküdar or Şemsipasha
Dear God! What a kiss it was, I don’t
Think anyone ever gave Istanbul such a kiss!

I'm back! - Dondum ben!


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