
Tonight! Discover Awards @ The Barnes & Noble

Discover Awards
The Barnes & Noble 2006 Discover Great New Writers Award Finalists and Winners read from their work
Barnes & Noble - Lincoln Triangle (Upper West Side)
7:00 pm
Barnes & Noble - Lincoln Triangle
1972 Broadway (at W 66th St)
New York, NY 10023
(212) 595-6859
Nearest Subway: 1 to 66 St/Lincoln Center

Snowy days of New York - New York'un karli gunleri

Kis mevsimi beni huzunlendirir nedense. Hele yasanilan kis mevsimi New York'ta ise, huznum tavana vurur. Ben insanlari gormek, onlarin sesini duymak, cocuklarin cigliklarina tanik olmak isterim. Soguk beni urpertir, insanlarin olmadigi sokaklar, parklar, seslerin yankilanmadigi mekanlar terkedilmis hissi yaratir. (bakiniz resimler)

Akdeniz kanimiza islemis sanirim, eh ne de olsa ben de bir yaz cocuguyum. Hazal'imin dedigi gibi "yatsam kalksam, yatsam kalksam yaz olsa.." olur mu acep??

Sicak ortamlarda, sicacik sohbetleriniz, keyifli ortamlarda, isil isil gunleriniz olsun.

I get melancholy when the days are short and dark in the winter, specially when I am in New York. I am a people's person, I need to see people, I need to hear them talking and children playing & laughing. But the winter's chill makes the street and the parks deserted and the only sound is the echo of my own voice in those places.

Needless to say, I have mediterrenean blood and this season is not my favourite one. Hopefully we'll have spring & summer soon (my favs...) and cold & gloomy days will be over.

Keep warm,


Paylasmanin guzelligi - The beauty of sharing

Writing is no longer an act of free will for me, it’s a matter of survival

Gecenlerde bir okurdan mail geldi:

"Blog'unuzdan Paul Auster icin ne kadar uzuldugunuzu anladim...
iki sene kadar onceki soylesisinde biletlerin sold out oldugunu gorunce ben de cok uzulmustum...
sizi anlayabiliyorum...
bir nebze hafifletecek umidi ile orada cektigim fotograflari size gondermek isterim...
arzu ederseniz sayfaniza da koyabilirsiniz...
sevgiyle kalin
, "

Social Butterfly

Fazla soze gerek var mi?? Sanirim yazilan email, gonderilen fotograflar paylasimin en guzel ornegini veriyor.

Tesekkurlerimin kabulu ile..
New York Muhtari
I received an email from one of the reader of this blog:

"As I was reading your blog, I realized how upset you were about not seeing Paul Auster. I felt the same way 2 years ago, when I found out that the tickets were sold out for another "Meet the Author" meeting. So, to ease your pain, I would like to send you the photos that I took. If you wish, you may use the photos in your blog."

Social Butterfly

I quess the email & the photos of Paul Auster and his daughter, shows us an example the beauty of sharing.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart,
New York Muhtari


From Rumi - Mevlana'dan

Didn't I Tell You

Didn't I tell you
not to go to that place?
It is me, who is your intimate friend.
In this imaginary plain of non-existence,
I am your spring of eternal life.

Even if you lose yourself in wrath
for a hundred thousand years,
at the end you will discover,
it is me, who is the culmination of your dreams.

Didn't I tell you
not to be satisfied with the veil of this world?
I am the master illusionist,
it is me, who is the welcoming banner at the gate of your contentment.

Didn't I tell you?
I am an ocean, you are a fish;
do not go to the dry land,
it is me, who is your comforting body of water.

Didn't I tell you
not to fall in this trap like a blind bird?
I am your wings, I am the strength in your wings,
I am the wind keeping you in flight.

Didn't I tell you
that they will kidnap you from the path?
They will steal your warmth,
and take your devotion away.
I am your fire, I am your heartbeat,
I am the life in your breath.

Didn't I tell you?
They will accuse you of all the wrongdoings,
they will call you ugly names,
they will make you forget
it is me, who is the source of your happiness.

Didn't I tell you?
Wonder not, how your life will turn out,
how you will ever get your world in order,
it is me, who is your omnipresent creator.

If your are a guiding torch of the heart,
know the path to that house.
If you are a person of God, know this,
It is me, who is the chief of the village of your life.

Demedim mi?

Oraya gitme demedim mi sana,
seni yalnız ben tanırım demedim mi?
Demedim mi bu yokluk yurdunda hayat çeşmesi ben'im?

Bir gün kızsan bana,
alsan başını,
yüz bin yıllık yere gitsen,
dönüp kavuşacağın yer ben'im demedim mi?

Demedim mi şu görünene razı olma,
demedim mi sana yaraşır otağı kuran ben'im asıl,
onu süsleyen, bezeyen ben'im demedim mi?

Ben bir denizim demedim mi sana?
Sen bir balıksın demedim mi?
Demedim mi o kuru yerlere gitme sakın,
senin duru denizin ben'im demedim mi?

Kuşlar gibi tuzağa gitme demedim mi?
Demedim mi senin uçmanı sağlayan ben'im,
senin kolun kanadın ben'im demedim mi?

Demedim mi yolunu vururlar senin,
demedim mi soğuturlar seni.
Oysa senin ateşin ben'im,
sıcaklığın ben'im demedim mi?

Türlü şeyler derler sana demedim mi?
Kötü huylar edinirsin demedim mi?
Ölmezlik kaynağını kaybedersin demedim mi?
Yani beni kaybedersin demedim mi?

Söyle, bunları sana hep demedim mi?

Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi


Sunset in New York - New York'ta gun batimi

Brooklyn koprusunun girisi.
TheBrooklyn Bridge Pedestrian path.

Eyalet Baskani'nin adasi.
The Governor's Island.

Belediye Binasi.
The City Hall.

Muhtesem gorunumu ile Brooklyn Koprusu.
The Brooklyn Bridge with all its glory.

Son olarak da South Street SeaPort.


Sobelendim - Tagged

Sevgili Zynep sobelemis beni, eh is basa dusup anlatilan New York olunca kolay oluyor da, insanin kendisini anlatmasi daha bir zor, ne derim, ne kadarini soylerim vs ama istek buyuk yerden , deneyelim bakalim;

- Kucukken amerikan filmlerini izlemem sonucu bir Amerika hastaligi baslamis, gidip, gorucegim dedigim yer, ekmek yedigim yer olmus

- Okuma hastaligim var, cantamda kitap olmadan disari cikinca ciplak hissediyorum

- Tek basima yasadigimdan beri, evimde misafir agirlamayi, guzel sofralar kurmayi, onlari evinde gibi hissettirmeye bayiliyorum (bazi arkadaslarim, onlari evlatlik almam icin basvuru talebinde bulunuyorlar, anneleri bile bu kadar bakmiyormus)

- Ella Fitzgerald, Sting, Norah Jones ve 50/60 ve 70'erin muziklerini ders calisirken dinlemeyi seviyorum

- Riyakar, firsatci, miskin/tembel insanlara tahammul edemiyorum maalesef.

-Kafama koydugumu yapmakla unluyum, eger bir seyi gercekten istiyorsam, onun gerceklesmesi icin butun evreni ayaga kaldiracak kadar guce sahip olduguma inanirim, yani kolay kolay pes etmem (Aslan burcuyum demis miydim?)

- Empresyonizm sanati ile ilgili seyleri duymaya, okumaya, gormeye adamistim kendimi bir donem, ne kadar ogrenirsem ogreneyim, hala birsey bilmedigime inandirir, kendimi ve arastirmaya tesvik ederdim. Su aralar pek bos zaman olmadigindan, mezun olur olmaz bu alanda birsey yapmak istiyorum.

- Kimi arkadaslarim birini ziyarete gittiklerinde, kasina, gozune, giyimine bakarlar bense esyalarin yerlesimine, ciplak duvarlara neler asabilecegime dair hayallere dalarim.

- Dekorasyon konusunda evimi saklabana cevirdim diyebilirim, her ay esyalarin yeri degisir, tablolar da beraber tabii. Eger esyalarin ruhu var ise, dunyalarini sasirmislardir benim evimde, ben nereye aitim diye. Ama bu gormemisin evi olmus diye degil vallahi, kucukken de boyleydi, her hafta esyalar yer degistirirdi. Simdi dusunuyorum da, kucukken oyle rakamlarla ugrasip, vergi beyannamesi dolduracagim diye anilarim yok hic. Arkadaslarim mali musavir yerine bu alanda kariyer yapmamin daha karli olacagi kanaatindeler. Haklilar mi acep?

- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) olduguma inananlar ve beni de inandiranlar var. Duzen hastaligim var, eger hersey yerinde degilse, uyku uyayamam. Daginiklik literaturumde yok yani :-) Bilgisayarimda favorilerim bile alfabetik sirada (ayrica konularina gore ayrilmis) tamam tamam biliyorum hastayim.

- Kimi evden sapkasiz cikmaz, ben de kahvalti yapmadan cikmam. Sabah toren gibi kendime super ozenli, degisik kahvaltilar hazirlarim, kendimi simartirim ama aksam yemegi nadiren yerim (bu 2006 eylul'den beri yaptigim bir uygulama).

- Ingilizceyi kucuk yasta okuyarak kendi kendime ogrendim. Sahaflardan alinmis yuzlerce ingilizce kitabimi hala saklatirim TR'daki evimizde. Kitaplari okudugumda tek kelime anlamazdim ama yine de son sayfasina kadar, dili katlederek okumaya devam ederdim, sonra radyoda calan yabanci parcalari dinleyerek, telafuzlarini ogrenir ve mimiklerdim. Sonra gun oldu, devran dondu, aksansiz ingilizce konusmaya basladim (tamam itiraf ediyorum biraz aksanim var ama her genc kizin basina gelirmis)

- 2 sene once TR seyahatimde, radyoda calinan muzikleri dinledigimde, hicbirini bilmedigimi farkettigimde yasadigim panik ve yabancilasma beni oyle korkutmus olacak ki, dondugumden beri isyerimde her gun PowerFm Turk muziklerini dinliyorum. Artik seyahatlerimde beni korkutan pek bir sey yok..

- Finlandiya'dan, Isvec'e, Israil'den, Ispanya'ya, Yunanistan'dan Avusturya'ya pek cok ulkeyi gezdim ama kalbim sanirim Cekoslovakya ve Tayland gezilerinde kaldi. Oralari tekrar ziyaret etme konusunda hayallerime devam ediyorum.

- Eger haddime duserse ben de Mr. Td, ve Celerone, Circirbocegi'ni sobeleyebilir miyim?
Zynep tagged me the other day and even though I find it easier to talk about my beloved city New York than about myself, but here we go:

- Ever since I was a little girl I always dreamt about being here (thanks to American movies). The city that I wanted to go & see one day, became the city I started to earn a living

- Some girls cannot go out without a makeup where as I am, cannot live my apt without any book. Strangely if I do not have a book in my purse, I kinda feel naked.

- I love having friends over, cooking for them, entertaining, preparing wonderful dishes (with my limited ability in the kitchen- but hey I make the best Guacamole!) and pampering them to make feel at home. Some friends already applied for adoption, the rumor have it that I take care of them better.

- Ella Fitzgerald, Sting, Norah Jones and the music from 50/60/70's makes the study sessions more tolerable.

- I have zero tolerance for people who are lazy, hypocritical and of course people who take advantage of their friends.

- I do not give up easily. if I set my mind & heart to something, I would do anything in my power to make it work (Did I mention I am a Leo).

- Once I was fascinated by impressionism, I could not get enough learning about this style by reading, researching. But no matter how much research project I completed or read on the subject, I was not satisfied with the results and felt like I am just beginning my journey and there are so much to learn and then I always would find something to motivate me. Now with my limited time, I cannot really do much)I work full time & go to school full time) but I plan doing something about this area soon after my graduation.

- If I go someone's house , the first thing I look, will be the arrangement & combination of their furniture, and God forbid, if I see a naked wall, it bothers me so much; in my mind, I already start decorating the place. And here is a tip for you; if you want to drive me crazy, you do not have to come up with a scary idea, leave me alone in a messy place overnight and I can assure you that I will go crazy the next day or you will not recognize the place you left me.

- I am crazily in love with decorating my apt, sometimes I even do not recognize it myself, because the transformation is so fast. Almost every month , I change the settings of the furniture along with the art works I have. But the results always make me happy. My friends try to convince me to work in that field instead of accounting, so they could benefit from my services in decoration as well. Now I think about, I have no collection of memories related to accounting, I guess I underestimated my friend's comments, maybe they are right and accounting is not for me.

- I am in early stages of being an OCD. :-)) I am joking of course, but I am a neat freak. I cannot go to sleep if the house in a mess. Even my favorite websites are categorized by sub categories and then alphabetical...ok ok I got it, I am sick.

- The breakfast is the most important meal for me. I almost come up with wonderful recipes everyday, and I love setting the table and start my morning ritual. But if for some reason if I did not have my breakfast, OMG.... beware of the mood change. Dinners are the total opposite, since Sep 2006 I rarely eat dinners, I decided to have a late /big lunch instead and skip dinners with fruits and snacks.

- I learned English by myself. I have hundred of books. I simply started reading without understanding a word, then listening to foreign music helped me great deal to learn the pronunciation and much to people's surprise I was talking in English without any accent. (ok I confess I have an accent but hopefully it will go away soon)

- 2 years ago, I was traveling in Turkey with my family and we were listening to music and I realized that I had no clue who the artist was or the melody and I almost had panic attack cause it was the first time I felt so strange, because the music once I loved & cherished so much was not something I could recognize. Lesson learned well, upon arrival to NYC, I downloaded an online radio, Power Turk Fm and no more panic attacks, end of the story.

- I traveled all over the world, including Finland, Sweden, Israel, Greece etc. But the one (or two) I could not forget were my trips to Thailand & Czech Rep. I still dream about visiting those places again.

- If they allow me, I would like to ask Mr. Td, Celerone and Circirbocegi. Hopefully they would be kind enough to let us learn more about them.

PS: The photo was taken in Republic/Union Square.


Chinese Lunar New Year in New York City: 2007

Below information is copied from About.com's website :

Although it is always in January or February, the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same date each year. This year Chinese New Year begins on February 18, 2007 and lasts until March 4, 2007 It is the year of the Boar. If you're curious about the various animals and the years they represent the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar are explained well here.

Firecracker Ceremony & Cultural Festival

Date: Sunday, February 18, 2007

Where: from 11-3 p.m. in Chatham Square (Intersection of Bowery, Mott & East Broadway)

The firecracker detonation, with expected attendance by local politicians and community leaders, is intended to ward off evil spirits.

From 11 am to 3 pm, a large stage will feature all-day cultural performances by traditional and contemporary Asian-American singers and dancers. Plus, a dozen lion, dragon and unicorn dance troupes will march through Chinatown’s main streets, including Mott Street, the Bowery, East Broadway, Bayard Street, Elizabeth Street and Pell Street.

Illuminations: Lunar New Year Fireworks Spectacular

Date: Sunday, February 18, 2007

Where: 7:00 pm in Columbus Park (Mulberry Street between Worth and Bayard Streets)

For the first time ever, the skies above Chinatown will be illuminated with a colorful and spectacular fireworks display by the Grucci Brothers of July 4th fame. Watch for the extraordinary “waterfall” effect, last performed over the Brooklyn Bridge in 1983.

Lunar New Year Flower Market

Friday, February 16th from 12 p.m. - 10 p.m.;

Saturday, February 17th from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Where: Columbus Park on Mulberry Street, between Bayard and Worth Streets (Subways: B,D to Grand Street; J,M,Z to Bowery)

Info: Please call 212-619-4785 for more information.

The Fourth Annual New York Lunar New Year Flower Market was held in a heated tent in Columbus Park over the weekend. The event has been growing in size over the last few years, but is primarily patronized by community members making the traditional flower purchases for celebrating the Lunar New Year. Performances and artist demonstrations throughout the event are also available to visitors enjoying the sights and smells of orange and plum blossoms, narcissus, chrysanthemums and other flowers traditionally recognized as symbols of prosperity and fortune for the New Year.

8th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade

The parade usually winds throughout Chinatown along Mott, Canal, and Bayard streets, and along East Broadway.

Time: 1-5 pm, Sunday, February 25, 2007

Place: Canal Street South

The spectacle features elaborate floats, marching bands, lion and dragon dances galore, Asian musicians, magicians, acrobats and procession by local organizations. Over 5,000 people are expected to march in the parade, which will start at Mott Street and promenade through practically every street in of Chinatown, finally dispersing at Worth Street. The parade is expected to conclude at 3:00 pm, at which time an outdoor cultural festival will take place on Bayard Street featuring more performances by musicians, dancers and martial artists.
Lantern Festival Children's Parade Date: Sunday, March 4, 2007 Details to come.

PS: Photos are taken during a chinese wedding in october 2006.


Mark Your Calendar for Saturday, February 17

22nd Annual New York Sword Dance Festival

A winter celebration practiced in the farming and coal-mining regions of northern England; with live music on fiddle, accordion, and other instruments

Dana Discovery Center (Central Park)

Inside the Park at 110th Street between Fifth and Lenox Avenues
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm


Yarin - Konser

Istanbul Univestitesi Mezunler Dernegi'nden:
16 Subat gunu (yarin) New York Turkevinde Klasik Muzik konseri olacaktir.Anadolu Klubu ile ortaklasa gerceklesecek bu konserde sizide aramizda gormekten mutluluk duyacagiz.
SANATCILAR : IU ve Yale Üniversitesi mezunu Viola sanatçısı Sıla Eser ve ünlü Gitarist S. Sinan Erşahin

Yer: 821 United Nations, 2nd Floor, New York
Zaman: 16 Subat 2007, 7.15 PM



Bir arkadasim email ile gonderdi, katilmamak elde degil bu dileklere:
Sevgilisi olanin olmayanin,
Olup da yok gibi olanin,
Yok da var gibi olanin,
Olmayip cok isteyenin,
Oluyo da noluyo diyenin,
Oldugu icin cok mutlu olanin,
Olmadigi icin cok mutlu olanin,
Onsuz olamayanin,
Onunla hic olamayanin,
Herseye ragmen yureginde her daim aska yer olanin…
O zaman kisacasi herkesin sevgililer gunu kutlu olsun.
Sevgi hep sizinle olsun, yureginizde aska hep yer olsun.
Yuzunuzden gulucukler, kalbinizden kelebekler eksik olmasin.


I Love You - Seni Seviyorum

I Love You
by Nâzım Hikmet Ran

I kneel down: I look at the earth,
the grass,
little stems blooming with blues.
You are like the spring earth, my love,
I'm looking at you.
I lie on my back: I see the sky,
the branches of a tree,
storks on the wing,
a waking dream.You are like the spring sky, my love,
I see you.
At night I light a campfire: I touch fire,
You are like a fire lit beneath the stars,
I touch you.
I go among people: I love people,
struggle .
You are one person in my struggle,
I love you.

Çömeldim bakıyorum
otlara bakıyorum
böceklere bakıyorum
mavi mavi çiçek açmış dallara bakıyorum
Sen bahar toprağı gibisin sevgilim
sana bakıyorum
Sırtüstü uzandım görüyorum
gökyüzünü ağacın dallarını görüyorum
uçan leylekleri görüyorum
Sen bahar mevsiminde gökyüzü gibisin sevgilim
seni görüyorum
Gece kırda ateş yaktım, ateşe dokunuyorum
suya dokunuyorum kumaşa dokunuyorum
gümüşe dokunuyorum
Sen yıldızların altında yakılan ateş gibisin sevgilim,
sana dokunuyorum
İnsanların içindeyim seviyorum insanları
Hareketi seviyorum
Düşünceyi seviyorum
kavgamı seviyorum
Sen kavgamın içinde bir insansın sevgilim
seni seviyorum.
Bunu da sevgili B5 gonderdi, cok sagol paylastigin icin:
Guardo in ginocchio la terra
guardo l´erba
guardo l´insetto
guardo l´istante fiorito e azzurro
sei come la terra di primavera, amore,
io ti guardo.
Sdraiato sul dorso vedo il cielo
vedo i rami degli alberi
vedo le cicogne che volano
sei come il cielo di primavera, amore,
io ti vedo.
Ho acceso un fuoco di notte in campagna
tocco il fuoco
tocco l´acqua
tocco la stoffa e l´argento
sei come un fuoco di bivacco all´addiaccio
io ti tocco.
Sono tra gli uomini amo gli uomini
amo l´azione
amo il pensiero
amo la mia lotta
sei un essere umano nella mia lotta
ti amo.
PS: I took this photo on Thanksgiving day (Serap & Cenk brought a beautiful bouquet, thanks again guys!)


Metropolitan Museum offers: Gallery Seminars: Reading and Looking 02/16/07

Books can enrich our appreciation of well-known works of art by expanding our knowledge about them and providing insights into their larger significance. Each month an experienced art historian leads a small group of adults in the galleries and discusses how a selected book provides new ways of looking at and understanding great works of art.
Each Seminar: $100
Order tickets today!

February 16, 2007
Alisa LaGamma, Curator, Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, MMA
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (1958)
3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Great Hall

Union Square Barnes Noble

New York'ta en cok sevdigim yerlerin basinda gelen ve Union Square'de yer alan Barnes Noble, kotu fotograflari ile karsinizda. Fotograf cekmek yasak oldugu halde , cekme israrim yuzunden, kotu cikan resimlerin tek suclusu benim. Ama en sevdigim yeri gostermek adina affedeceginizi umuyorum. Yolunuz buralara duserse mutlaka gidin, gorun, kafesinde dergileri karistirin, kitaplara bakin, ya da yuzlerce New York'lunun yaptigi gibi yerlerinde oturun kitap okuyun. Ben issiz oldugum donemde cok giderdim, o yuzden hatirasi vardir :-) Gidin siz de kendi hatiranizi yaratin.


Barnes & Noble in Union Square is definetly one of my favourite places in New York City. Even though I have been told time and time again that "Photographing is definetly not permitted in any part of the premise", I could not help but take few shots secretly when i was wandering around, hence the crappy pictures (excuse my french) . If you happen to be neighborhood, please stop by in their lovely cafe, look at the magazines while drinking your cafe au lait, check out the best sellers or the recommended books by their employees. I have fond memories of this places because I used to spend so much time there when I was unemployed (I could not afford to buy new books cause I did not have a job due to 9/11), this place gave me opportunity to read some of the contemperary books of the time for free and meet my fav authors, like Maya Angelou.

Check it out and make your own history with this amazing book store who knows maybe you'll meet one of your favourite authors, too.

PS: 2 weeks ago Paul Auster was there and I missed it due to conflict with my class schedule. :-((I still did not recover not being part of that event.

Union Square Barnes Noble

Union Square Barnes Noble


Amado Mio

For some reason I cannot get this song out of my mind. Let's see if you'll like it as much as I do.

16 Subatta Anadolu Klubu ve IUMEZUSA'den Konser

Anadolu Klübü ve İstanbul Üniversitesi Mezun USA’in organize ettiği, IU ve Yale Üniversitesi mezunu Viola sanatçısı Sıla Eser ve ünlü Gitarist S. Sinan Erşahin’nin yer alacağı Klasik Esintiler I konseri yapılacaktır

Yer: 821 United Nations, 2nd Floor, New York
Zaman: 16 Subat 2007
Daha faxla bilgi icin: 203-722-4339

Happy :-))

The new semester started with full force (3 accounting, 1 finance course) hence hardly enough time to blog in the upcoming weeks (my apologies) also have limited time to read my favourite blogger friends websites. (double apologies)

But a friend sent me the below link and made my day! Everytime I see a link like this, it makes my heart jump with joy and I regret that I cannot write or photograph as much as I want to. Hopefully once the school is over (one more year to graduate) I surely will get complaints for blogging so much from Mr. TD again.

Until then, let's take a look at this blog:

Top links for this week:
1. The Turkish Invasion http://dincarslan.blogspot.com/ - what happens when a Turk goes to Russia? Read to find out.
2. Interested in the latest fashion on the streets of Istanbul, Istanbul Street Style http://istanbulstreetstyle.blogspot.com/index.html will fill you in.
3. New York Muhtari http://newyorkmuhtari.blogspot.com/ has a fabulous photoblog for you to visit.
4. And boy am I glad that the Carpetblogger http://carpetblog.typepad.com/carpetblogger/
has moved to Istanbul, because now I can cover her wit here. Today we will close with her telling us a little bit about learning Turkish


Be My Friend!

Don't Walk Behind Me I May Not Lead
Don't Walk In Front Of Me I May Not Follow
Just Walk Beside Me And Be My Friend
Albert Camus

Arkamdan yürüme, liderlik etmeyebilirim.

Onümden yürüme, takip etmeyebilirim.

Yanımdan yürü ve arkadaşım ol.

Albert Camus

PS: Fotografi, ekim ayinda ziyaret ettigim ciftlikte cekmistim.