
May 4, 2007
We take this opportunity to introduce a new organization founded in February 2007, the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA).
Based in the nation’s capital, TCA’s objective is to
Educate the general public about Turkey and Turkish Americans and voice their opinion on critical issues to interested parties.
Engage and cultivate a new generation of young Turkish American leaders.
Promote and advance the interests of the Turkish American community and Turks.
Foster friendship, understanding and cooperation between the United States and Turkey.
Protect the character and ensure a realistic portrayal of Turkey and Turkish Americans in the media and the arts.
Serve as a think tank of expertise and a clearinghouse of information on Turkey and Americans of Turkish descent.
Identify and recognize the achievements of Turkish Americans in academia, arts, business, education, government, public service and science.
In carrying out its mission, TCA is committed to building coalitions and working with all like minded organizations, based on shared values and goals, on the local, state and national levels in the sponsorship and organization of
Educational programs on Turkish American issues, Turkish heritage and Turkey.
Civic consciousness seminars on issues affecting Turkish Americans and the importance for Turkish Americans being involved in the political process.
Scholarships and internship programs for Turkish Americans interested in political science, public administration and communication.
News dissemination about the Turkish American perspective on critical issues and the activities and achievements of Turkish Americans.
Educational and cultural tours between Turkey and the United States.
Sister city relationships between Turkish and American cities.
One of the programs that we are proud to announce is a Scholarship Program for Turkish American Youth. This program is designed to encourage and support young Turkish Americans to study public policy or public affairs, political science, international relations, communications, print or electronic journalism or public relations and pursue a career in these areas. The scholarship awards $ 5,000 per year for undergraduate and graduate students. More information about eligibility and application forms may be downloaded from our website at www.turkishcoalitionofamerica.org.
We look forward to working with organizations and individuals in the Turkish American community and beyond to strengthen the Turkish presence in the United States and to create a better future for generations to come.
be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder)
have and maintain through the course of the scholarship period a cumulative minimum 3.3 GPA on a 4.0 scale;
evidence of leadership commitment through participation in community service, particularly within the Turkish American community; and
be a
high school senior applying to an accredited college or university; or
a college student who plans to continue undergraduate study; or
a college senior or graduate enrolled or about to enroll in graduate school; or
a graduate student who is enrolled in a degree program.
Graduate students who apply for the TCA must plan to pursue studies and a career in public affairs.
While financial need is not an eligibility criteria, special consideration may be shown to applicants who provide information about and prove financial need.
Selection CriteriaCandidates will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, interest in Turkish American issues as demonstrated by involvement in Turkish American community affairs, and individual leadership qualities conducive to pursuing a career in public affairs, media and public relations. Priority will be given to students who are admitted to top national universities or liberal arts schools.
How to ApplyPlease read the following instructions carefully. Submit three (3) collated copies of each of the following items. Use paperclips, not staples.
1) COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM (see attached) 2) RESUME: Each copy should be submitted on one single-sided 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper.3) OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT: One must be original, two may be copies. Transcripts may NOT be sent separately.4) TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION (see attached form) 5) SHORT ESSAY: The essay should not exceed 500 words, must be typed and double-spaced. Please respond to the following: Describe any involvement or interest you have in the Turkish American community. If you were awarded a TCA scholarship, propose how you would contribute to the Turkish American community now and in the future.
Applications are due by June 8, 2007. Scholarship Recipients will be notified on the 4th of July, 2007 and scholarships will be awarded on October 29, 2007.
All applications must be sent via mail to:
Turkish Coalition of America1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1000Washington, DC 20036
Application Form
Referral Form
Istanbul Universitesi Mezunlar Dernegi'nden Duyuru

Meluncanlar Kimdir?
Meluncanlar, ABD `deki Güneybatý Virginia `nin Apalaþ Daglainda yerlesmis bulunmaktadir. Meluncanlarin aslinda Osmanli Türklerinin uzantisi oldugunu Dr. N. Brent Kennedy tarafindan ileri sürülüyor ve belgeleniyor. Brent'in kitabinda da yer aldigi gibi Meluncanlar'la bagi bulunan bir çok ünlü isim var. Elvis Presley ve Amerikan'in eski baskanlarindan Abraham Lincoln bunlara birer örnek. Meluncanlar köklerinin 1500'lü yýllarda Osmanli donanmasinin Portekizle yaptigi savasta esir düsen ve Ispanyollar tarafindan ABD'ye getirilen leventlere dayandigi öne sürüyor. ABD'nin 1996 - 2005 yillari arasinda görev yapan Istanbul Baskonsolosu David Arnett, atalarini Meluncan olabilecegini söylemistir
Closed - Kapaliyiz
Bahar geldi!

Bu sabah mutluluğa aç pencereni
Bir güzel arın dünkü kederinden
Bahar geldi bahar geldi güneşin doğduğu yerden
Çocuğum uzat ellerini
Şu güzelim bulut gözlü buzağıyı
Duy böyle koşturan sevinci
Dinle nasıl telaş telaş çarpıyor
Toprak ananın kalbi
Şöyle yanıbaşıma çimenlere uzan
Kulak ver gümbürtüsüne dünyanın
Baharın gençliğin ve aşkın
Türküsünü söyliyelim bir ağızdan
Meet the Author - Khaled Hosseini

May 22, 2007
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
My New Video @ YouTube
Place : Farmer's Market in 14th Street & Union Square , New York, NY
Time : Weekend
Music: Norah Jones - Those Sweet words
YouTube'a yeni ekledigim video, bakalim begenecekmisiniz?
Yer: Manhattan 14.caddede & Sendika Meydani'nda kurulan Ciftci pazari,
Zaman : Haftasonu
Muzik: Norah Jones - O tatli sozler

Saturday, May 5, 8:00 pm
111 East 59th Street (Between Lexington & Park Ave)New York, NY 10022
Cevat Çapan 'in siiri - Cevat Capan's poem

"Vedalaşmaların ilmini yaptım ben,"
Sürgünlerin uzmanlığını.
Bir vapur nasıl kalkar bir limandan.
Tren nasıl acı acı öter, öğrendim.
Yıllarca mektuplarla yaşadım.
Kaçak tütün,yasak yayınlarla beslendim.
En çok yelkenleri özledim
Bozkırın buzlu yalnızlığında.
Dağlar yoktu, dağlar yoktu,
Rüzgârlara yaslandım.
Çılgın mıydım, tutsak mıydım
Yüreğinde karanlığın?
Kan kurudu
-Ben gül oldum açıldım.
Winter is Over
"I've studied the art of farewell,"
specialized in exile.
I've learnt how a boat puts out from port.
Learnt the bitterness of a train whistle.
For years I lived on letters,
lived on smuggled tobacco, banned publications.
I've not forgotten a thing.
In the icy loneliness of the steppes the sails at sea
were what I missed the most.
There were no mountains, no mountains:
I leant back on the winds.
Was I out of my mind?
A prisoner, say,in the heart of darkness?
The blood dried
-and I was a rose, blown into flower.
translated by Michael HULSE & the poet Cevat Capan
Life is happening right NOW!
"List consciousness is a state of mind that is completely future-oriented. With a subtle but constant quality of rushing, it operates on the premise that life will happen once everything is crossed off The List.... When you are in list consciousness, you are leaning into the future and completely missing the present. Practicing presence punctures the fantasy that somehow life will begin when the kids soccer season is over or when I lose ten pounds or even when I take that meditation course and learn how to be more present! Practicing presence is bringing ourselves to the recognition that life is happening right NOW - and it is inviting us to wake up and notice."
Oprah Winfrey