Cool Link - Listen To A Movie
I do not know about you, but coming from a big family (or the big city), I always find it hard to concentrate when it is quite. I need to have some kind of noise, whether it is a music, sound of the street, or tv, anything would help me to concentrate but the sound of the silence. I usually end up with Ella Fitzgerald 's music (or these days, her replacement is Estrella Morente) . Last night, when I was surfing the internet in my break, I come accross with an amazing website, "Listen to a movie" and found the solution to my problem. I would listen to a favorite movie, and not only would enjoy it, but without knowing it would help me to improve my english as well. (Since learning a language is a very dynamic -and demanding- process).
I know a lot of my friends who are movie buffs (like me) would quote lines from their favorite movies and once I tell them about this site, they would appreciate more than anything. Check their list and see if there is any movie , you would like to listen.
Buyuk ailenden mi, buyuk sehirlerde yasadigimdan midir bilmem ama, sessiz ortamda calismak hep zor gelmistir, illa bir ses, bir muzik olacak etrafimda, yoksa konsantrasyon saglayamiyorum. Yani sessizligin sesi beni rahatsiz ediyor ve tabii ders calismama bahanesi ile karsi karsiya geliyorum.Dun gece yine ders calismaya calisirken, 10 dakikalik arada bir websitesini kesfettim ve ondan sonra ders calismak yalan oldu desem, inanirmisiniz? Evet itiraf ediyorum, arada bir ben de kacamak yapip, muhasebe, finans disinda, dunyada neler oluyor diye internete goz atiyorum ama boyle siteler kesfedince keyfime diyecek olmuyor, ne yapayim? Neyse konumuza donelim, sevdiginiz fimlerden replikleri soyleme aliskanliginiz var ise, bu site inanilmaz, istediginiz filmi, durmadan dinleyin. (Tarantino hayranlarinin cigliklarini duyar gibiyim) . Before Sunrise'i simdi gordum listede, hemen bahar tatilinde dinleneceklerin arasina ekledim. Ya siz??
Question - Soru
Benim blogtan yana bir sikintim var, arada bir, emailler geliyor eski yazilari okumak isteyen okurlar tarafindan, ama ben sag tarafta gordugunuz haftalik arsiv linkleri disinda , eski yazilara nasil link verilir bilmiyorum. Bazi bloglarin en alt kisminda, ne guzel , "onceki yazilar<" "sonraki yazilar>" diye suslu linkler oluyor, Acaba nasil yapilir, nerden bilgi alinir, bilen var mi??? Bir de ucretsiz aktiviteleri not edebilecegim takvim eklemek istiyorum (acaba cok sey mi istiyorum?) Bu konuda ki tavsiyelerinizi bekliyorum.
New York Muhtari
Meet the Author - Frank McCourt and Calvin Trillin

Frank McCourt and Calvin Trillin
Frank McCourt's three memoirs are Angela's Ashes, ’Tis and Teacher Man. Calvin Trillin, a contributor to The New Yorker and The Nation, is the author of Travels with Alice, Obliviously On He Sails: The Bush Administration in Rhyme and other books.
Date & Time: Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 1:00pm
Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street Directions
Code: T-TP5NT04-01
Price: $17.00 / $10.00 Student
MoMa - Museum of Modern Art (Modern Sanat Muzesi)
Museum Hours
Saturday 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Monday 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Tuesday closed
Wednesday 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Thursday 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Friday 10:30 a.m.–8:00 p.m.
Closed on Christmas day and Thanksgiving day
From Wikipedia's website:
The idea for the Museum of Modern Art was developed in 1928 primarily by Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (wife of John D. Rockefeller Jr.) and two of her friends, Lillie P. Bliss and Mrs Cornelius J. Sullivan. They became known variously as "the Ladies", "the daring ladies" and "the adamantine ladies". They rented modest quarters for the new museum and it opened to the public on November 7, 1929, nine days after the Wall Street Crash. Abby had invited A. Conger Goodyear, the former president of the board of trustees of the Albright Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, to become president of the new museum. Abby became treasurer. At the time, it was America's premier American museum devoted exclusively to modern art, and the first of its kind in Manhattan to exhibit European modernism.
Goodyear enlisted Paul J. Sachs and Frank Crowninshield to join him as founding trustees. Sachs, the associate director and curator of prints and drawings at the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University, was referred to in those days as a collector of curators. Goodyear asked him to recommend a director and Sachs suggested Alfred H. Barr Jr., a promising young protege. Under Barr's guidance, the museum's holdings quickly expanded from an initial gift of eight prints and one drawing. Its first successful loan exhibition was in November, 1929, displaying paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne and Seurat.
First housed in six rooms of galleries and offices on the twelth floor of Manhattan's Heckscher Building, on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, the museum moved into three more temporary locations within the next ten years. Abby's husband was adamantly opposed to the museum (as well as to modern art itself) and refused to release funds for the venture, which had to be obtained from other sources and resulted in the frequent shifts of location. Nevertheless, he eventually donated the land for the current site of the Museum, plus other gifts over time, and thus became in effect one of its greatest benefactors.
During that time it initiated many more exhibitions of noted artists, such as the lone Vincent van Gogh exhibition on November 4, 1935. Containing an unprecedented sixty-six oils and fifty drawings from the Netherlands, and poignant excerpts from the artist's letters, it was a major public success and became "a precursor to the hold van Gogh has to this day on the contemporary imagination".
The museum also gained international prominence with the hugely successful and now famous Picasso retrospective of 1939-40, held in conjunction with the Art Institute of Chicago. In its range of presented works, it represented a significant reinterpretation of Picasso for future art scholars and historians. This was wholly masterminded by Barr, a Picasso enthusiast, and lionized the greatest artist of the time, setting the model for all the museum's retrospectives that were to follow.
When Abby's son Nelson was selected by the board of trustees to become its flamboyant president in 1939, at the age of thirty, he became the prime instigator and funder of its publicity, acquisitions and subsequent expansion into new headquarters on 53rd Street. His brother, David Rockefeller, also joined the Museum's board of trustees, in 1948, and took over the presidency when Nelson took up position as Governor of New York in 1958.
David subsequently employed the noted architect Philip Johnson to redesign the Museum garden and name it in honor of his mother, the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden. He and the Rockefeller family in general have retained a close association with the Museum throughout its history, with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding the institution since 1947. Both David Rockefeller, Jr. and Sharon Percy Rockefeller (wife of Senator Jay Rockefeller) currently sit on the board of trustees.
In 1937, MoMA had shifted to offices and basement galleries in the Time & Life Building in Rockefeller Center. Its permanent and current home, now renovated, designed in the International Style by the modernist architects Philip C. Johnson and Edward Durell Stone, opened to the public on May 10, 1939, attended by an illustrious company of 6,000 people, and with an opening address via radio from the White House by President Franklin Roosevelt.
Inside the MoMA building.Considered by many to have the best collection of modern Western masterpieces in the world, MoMA's holdings include more than 150,000 individual pieces in addition to approximately 22,000 films and 4 million film stills. The collection houses such important and familiar works as the following:
The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh,
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso,
The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí,
Broadway Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian,
The Seed of the Areoi by Paul Gauguin,
Water Lilies triptych by Claude Monet,
Dance by Henri Matisse,
The Bather by Paul Cézanne,
I and the Village by Marc Chagall,
Self-Portrait With Cropped Hair by Frida Kahlo,
Shimmering Substance by Jackson Pollock.
It also holds works by leading American artists such as Andy Warhol, Cindy Sherman, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jasper Johns, Edward Hopper, Chuck Close, Georgia O'Keefe, and Ralph Bakshi.
MoMA developed a world-renowned art photography collection, first under Edward Steichen and then John Szarkowski, as well as an important film collection under the Museum of Modern Art Department of Film and Video. MoMA also has an important design collection, which includes works from such legendary designers as Paul László, the Eameses, Isamu Noguchi, and George Nelson. The design collection also contains many industrial and manufactured pieces, ranging from a self-aligning ball bearing to an entire Bell 47D1 helicopter.
MoMa - Museum of Modern Art (Modern Sanat Muzesi)
MoMa'nin binlerce kez resmi cekilen, meshur merdivenleri.
Claude Monet'in niluferleri (yine benim favorilerimden)
Getting to MoMA
MoMA is located at 11 West 53rd Street, between Fifth & Sixth Avenues.
B, D, or F to 47-50 Streets/Rockefeller Center.
MoMa - Museum of Modern Art (Modern Sanat Muzesi)
Favorim Barcelona koltugu serginin ortasinda butun ihtisami ile duruyor.
MoMa - Museum of Modern Art (Modern Sanat Muzesi)
Cuma gunleri Target sayesinde , 5 ile 8 arasinda muzeyi ucretsiz ziyaret edebilirsiniz. (diger zamanlarda giris ucreti $ 20.00)
Muze kadar ilgi ceken bir yer daha, muzenin karsisinda yer alan , dizayn dukkani. Mutlaka ziyaret edilmesi gereken yerlerin basinda. Neden mi?? iceri girip gormeniz lazim, benden soylemesi.
Invitation - This Thursday
Get off-line and come toast Open Thread 400 with us!
Why: To celebrate the remarkable occurrence of our 400th open thread on Tuesday (today), the kickoff of our Smallest Coolest Contests of which we now have 4 Small Cool Contests: Apartment, Nursery, Kitchen and Tech Setup!and the opening of Gus' new store in NYC,we're inviting all AT readers and Gus Modern fans out for free drinks, hob-nobbing, schmoozing and gossip. See you Thursday!
Best, Maxwell and team
The Rockefeller Center
From Wikipedia's website:
Rockefeller Center was named after John D. Rockefeller Jr. ("Junior"), who leased the space from Columbia University in 1928 and developed it from 1930. Rockefeller initially planned a syndicate to build an opera house for the Metropolitan Opera Company on the site, but changed his mind after the stock market crash of 1929 and the withdrawal of the Metropolitan from the project. He took on the enormous project as the sole financier, on a ninety-nine-year lease for the site from Columbia; negotiating a line of credit with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and covering ongoing expenses through the sale of oil company stock.
It was the largest private building project ever undertaken in modern times. Construction of the 14 buildings in the Art Deco style (without the original opera house proposal) began on May 17, 1930 and was completed on November 1, 1939 when he drove in the final (silver) rivet into 10 Rockefeller Plaza. Principal builder, and "managing agent", for the massive project was John R. Todd and principal architect was Raymond Hood, working with and leading three architectural firms, on a team that included a young Wallace Harrison, later to become the family's principal architect and adviser to Nelson Rockefeller.
It was the public relations pioneer Ivy Lee, the prominent adviser to the family, who first suggested the name "Rockefeller Center" for the complex, in 1931. Junior initially didn't want the Rockefeller family name associated with the commercial project, but was persuaded on the grounds that the name would attract far more tenants.
What could have become a major controversy in the mid-1930s concerned the last of the four European buildings that remained unnamed. Attempts were made by Ivy Lee and others to rent out the space to German commercial concerns and name it the Deutsches Haus. Junior ruled this out after being advised of Hitler's Nazi march towards World War II, and thus the empty office site became the International Building North.
This subsequently became the primary location of the US operations of British Intelligence (MI6) during the War, with Room 3603 becoming the principal operations center for US intelligence, organised by William Joseph Donovan, as well as the office of the future head of what was later to become the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles.
The Center is a combination of two building complexes: the older and original 14 Art Deco office buildings from the 1930s, and a set of four International-style towers built along the Avenue of the Americas during the 1960s and 1970s (plus the Lehman Brothers Building). (The Time-Life Building, McGraw Hill and News Corporation/Fox News Channel headquarters are part of these "newer" Rockefeller Center buildings, which are now owned/managed by the major private real estate firm, Rockefeller Group.)
The entire Rockefeller Center complex was purchased by Mitsubishi Estate, a real estate company of the Mitsubishi Group, in 1989, which fully bought out Rockefeller Group. In 2000, the current owner Jerry Speyer (a close friend of David Rockefeller), of Tishman Speyer Properties, L.P., together with the Lester Crown family of Chicago, bought for $1.85 billion the older 14 buildings and land from the previous syndicated owners: Goldman Sachs (which had 50 percent ownership), Giovanni Agnelli, Stavros Niarchos, and David Rockefeller, who organized the syndicate in 1996 and is historically associated with the other partners.
Buildings along 5th Avenue - 5. cadde uzerindeki binalar
Kilise Binasi
"Tiffany'de kahvalti" isimli meshur filmin cekildigi magazanin girisi
"Cirak" yarismasinin cekimleri ile unlenen Trump binasi.
If you get a chance, stop by in their famous Cafe SFA for a lunch or a tea party with your friends.
Monday- Saturday 11-5 (7 p.m. on Thursday) and Sunday 12-5.
Saks isimli magaza pahali olmasi ile taniniyor, giderken dikkat eden cebiniz dolu olsun, hatta mumkunse maas cekinizi alip gidin. :-)
Saka bir yana ust katinda ki kafede, vaktiniz olursa bir oglen yemegi icin gidin, masalarin etrafinda surekli defiledeymis gibi giyinmis modeller gelip gecerken yemek yemek iskence olsa da, guzel kiyafetleri yakindan gormek cok guzel.
Memleket isterim
Gok mavi, dal yesil, tarla sarı olsun;
Kuslarin ciceklerin diyarı olsun.
Memleket isterim
Ne basta dert ne gönülde hasret olsun;
Kardes kavgasına bir nihayet olsun.
Memleket isterim
Ne zengin fakir ne sen ben farkı olsun;
Kış günü herkesin evi barkı olsun.
Memleket isterim
Yaşamak, sevmek gibi gönülden olsun;
Olursa bir şikayet ölümden olsun.
Cahit Sitki Taranci
I want a country
let the sky be blue, the bough green, the cornfield yellow
let it be a land of birds and flowers
I want a country
let there be no pain in the head,
no yearning in the heart
let there be an end to brothers' quarrels
I want a country
let there be no rich and poor, no you and me on winter days
let everyone have house and home
I want a country
let living be like loving from the heart
if there must be complaint,
let it be of death
Cahit Sitki Taranci
Translated by Bernard Lewis
from Contemporary Turkish Literature
Free iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts on March 21

The company reports that iced coffees are their second most popular menu item after hot coffees and that they sold over 150 million cups last year alone!
Volver song by Estrella Morente
Another Almodovar movie, "Volver" and another great choice of music, performed by Estrella Morente. There is no word to decribe it.
Yine bir Almodovar filmi, "Volver". Pek cok kisi filmi begenmese de, sadece, Estrella Morente'nin muhtesem yorumu ve Penelope Cruz'un goruntulerinin yeraldigi bu sahne icin bile film gorulmeye degmez mi?
"Habla Con Ella"
I quess Almodovar not only knows how to make great movies but also choose one of the most beautiful theme musics as well.
"Cucurrucu Paloma" performed by Caetano Veloso.
Pedro Almodovar sadece iyi film yapmakla kalmayip, ayni zamanda en guzel film muziklerini secmekte benim favorilerim arasinda. Umarim hosunuza gider.